Bout win and bootcamp in Helsinki

The last weekend of November DCR went to Finland to play against the Helsinki B-team, a long awaited meet-up.

Along with our awesome players we brought Only (Kallio) as bench and Hisingen Highkicker (DCR) as line-up manager (and they both did a really good job, thanks a lot!). Throughout the game DCR managed to keep calm and in control, really using our strengthts and breaking through Helsinki’s strong walls. We were able to take the lead from the start and keep it until the bout finally ended 311-109 to DCR. Afterwards we stayed to watch the bout between Helsinki’s A-team and London Brawl Saints which turned out to be a real nailbiter!

No rest for the wicked though, Sunday morning several players got up early and went back to the venue for a 5h bootcamp with the London team. It was an intense day, but everyone really gave their all despite tired muscles and sore feet. We learned a lot of new and interesting things that we will be sure to continue working on at home.

Thank you Helsinki and London Brawl Saints for an amazing weekend!



(Pictures are courtesy of