Want to contact Dock City Rollers?

If you want to get in contact with us, please use any of the e-mail addresses below. If you are unsure of where to send your e-mail, pick the one closest to your subject and we will make sure it reaches the correct recipient. Remember that you can also visit and post on our Facebook page

If you want to reach us for official reasons:
Contact our board members by sending an e-mail to board@dockcityrollers.se

If you want to join us or are having questions about coaching and practices:
If you want to join either as a player, a ref or an NSO, have a look here! Any questions you might have can be directed to our coaches on coach@dockcityrollers.se

If you want to start skating with us:
Send an email to begin@dockcityrollers.se

If you want to bout us or are about to bout us:
Send your inquiries and information to interleague@dockcityrollers.se

If you want to buy some of our awesome merchandise:
Submit your order to merch@dockcityrollers.se

If you are a journalist, a photographer or in any other way connected to media:
Send an e-mail to our PR and web group on pr@dockcityrollers.se

If you are between 8-16 years old and wants to start with junior roller derby:
If you have questions about junior roller derby, send an e-mail to our junior coaches at junior@dockcityrollers.se
If you already know that you want to join our juniors, fill in the application here.

If you want to reach us for sponsorship and collaborations:
Send an email to promotions@dockcityrollers.se