Beginners course
Are you interested in starting with Roller Derby?
Come and join our beginner’s course! We promise sweat and bruises – it’s going to be so much fun!
The course is 14 weeks long and costs SEK 900. No previous skating experience is required.
We practice 1-2 times a week.
Have you never roller skated before? Good! You are exactly what we are looking for! Do you think it’s a bit scary to go alone, but have no one to go with? Come anyway! We’ve all been beginners once, and we promise to make your first time your best time.
We have course starts every spring and autumn. The course has a limited number of places to make the training as rewarding as possible. But as we said, we do not require any previous experience or special skills. What we are looking for is will and desire to learn and develop, and curiosity and love for the world’s best sport of course!
If you have any questions about our beginner’s course send an email to begin@dockcityrollers.se. We will update our social media and website when the registration for the beginner’s course opens, so be sure to follow us!
Junior Roller Derby
Our juniors, Rulltårtorna and Firecrackers, are a collaboration between Dock City Rollers and Västsvenska Roller Derby Sällskapet.
Children and teenagers between 8 and 16 are welcome in our junior groups Rulltårtorna and Firecrackers. You can borrow equipment such as roller skates and protection gear, but bring your own helmet and mouth guard. We roll in Angered Arena on sunday afternoons and in Sjumilahallen on wednesday evenings.
Rulltårtorna is for beginners and for those who haven’t skated for so long. We focus on the basics of roller skating and Roller Derby. Game ready juniors are welcome to join Firecrackers.
More info and registration at: https://vsrds.se/anmalan
Are you a transfer from another league and want to join us? Reach out to us on coach@dockcityrollers.se and let’s tackle!
Team Octopus – Dock City Rollers Officials
Loving the sport but don´t want to play yourself? Perfect!
Team Octopus is always on the lookout for new referees and non skating officials. No experience is needed and we will teach you everything you’ll need to know as a referee or non skating offical.
Sounds interesting? Send an email to: officials@dockcityrollers.se