
Now it’s time again for Open Skate with Dock City Rollers!

Open Skate is Dock City Rollers way to open the doors to the wonderful world of roller derby, and to spread the derby love! Open Skate is not a training session with joint and organized exercises but more like an opportunity to roll and socialize. We welcome the derby player ,pleasure riders and everyone who is curious about the sport. See it as a chance to improve your technique, practice that special move you’re having trouble with, or as a first time to put on a pair of Quads. And also as a way to get to know and socialize with other skaters in town!

The only requirement we ask is that you show respect for other participants, not skating in a way that constitutes a danger to yourself or others and adapt your equipment as follows: 
Everyone must wear a helmet and protection for elbows, wrists and knees. And to not leave marks on the floor, all the knee pads must be covered (eg with a pair of cropped tights ), 
toe stops and wheels must be bright / of a type that does not leave marks and if you use your outdoor wheels, these should be well cleaned.

We also recommend that everyone use mouthguards and expect that everyone who owns one uses it. 
Mouthguard can be found in skate shops and the usual sports shops.

For members of the DCR and participants in DCR ‘s freshmeat course, the event is free, others pay 20 kr entrance. 
Are you missing your own equipment but are eager to try? We have a limited number of gear that those without their own equipment can coexist on.

Valhalla A hall is booked between 19 and 21, and afterwards everyone is welcome to continue the evening when we take off our skates continue off wheel into the Friday evening!

Do not miss out, come, roll and talk derby with us!

For more info check out our Facebook event