2 February, 2025 @ 11:00 – 17:00
Angered Sporthall
Högaffelsgatan 15
424 65 Göteborg

Västsvenska Roller Derby Sällskapet (VSRDS) invites you to a two-day officials boot camp for players who want (or need) to referee.

The boot camp will include theory sessions, the opportunity to ask questions and the opportunity to referee both matches and scrims.
The focus will be on training for skating refs, not NSO positions.

Trainer for the two days is CAPS LOCK, also known as She-Lock Holmes. She-Lock is a player, referee and NSO with experience from several European leagues (Bear City, GBGRD, Stockholm and Antwerp).
She has refereed both Swedish and German series games, the Austrian championships, the Junior World Cup 2023, the WFTDA Continental Cup 2019 and the Men’s European Cup 2018.

Preliminary schedule:
10.00-12.00 Basic theory
12.00 Food/set-up/questions
14.00 Junior match: Firecrackers (GBG) – Candysnatchers (Malmö)
16.15 Open To All match: VSRDS (GBG) – Smile City Rollers (Århus)

11.00 In-depth theory, including a short break
13:30 Break+skates on
14.00 On-skate about positioning while those who will scrimmage warm up
14.30 Scrimmage During the scrim, She-Lock “shadows” and provides support and feedback
17.00 Finish!

In the registration, it is possible to request positions.
The participants are distributed among the various matches depending on experience and how many have signed up for the boot camp.
Registration: https://forms.gle/SjtukZLnZo876gSEA